Strumenti->Importazione-exportazione da Excel
Microsoft© Excel© example files are provided in your installation folder from your software "EasyForYou" (by default c:\Program Files\Easy For You - con Vista o Windows 7, 8, 10 -> C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\EasyNet\Easy For You)
These files are:
customers-en.XLS for your customers and (or) your suppliers
products-en.XLS for your products.
categories-en.XLS for your categories.
To import your customers, suppliers or products:
1) Copy-Paste your data into the Excel files and save the Excel file in the same folder as easywin.exe and CLOSE the EXCEL software
2) Start you your software Easyforyou: click the Tools menu “Tools->Import data from Excel“.
- The non-existent products, customers or suppliers will be automatically added
in your data base from EasyForYou.
- For each importation, if customers, suppliers or products already exist, the data (price, descriptions etc…) will be updated.
To export your customers, suppliers or products:
1) start EasyForYou in menu Tools->Import-Export data from Excel.
2) For the export to Excel files, click the button Export.
3) The generated file in the folder c:\Program Files\Easy For You - con Vista o Windows 7, 8, 10 -> C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\EasyNet\Easy For You is the same than for the import, only the name is changed to customers-en-export.xls and produts-en-export.xls for your products.
Note: A string can be used as a parameter to automatically start the import or export:
Parameter 1 = importexel
Parameter 2 = language (FR, NL, EN, ES, DE, IT, PT)
Parameter 3 = file type (C = Customers, P= Products, A = categories)
Parameter 4 = Import or export (IMPORT, EXPORT)
Format: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 *
"C:\Program Files\Easy For You\ImportExcel.exe" importexel*EN*C*IMPORT*